Celebrating our Scholars!

After a year of lockdowns and zoom calls, we want to take the time to celebrate some of our students’ success from this year.

Each year we are lucky enough to send off a small number of students to some of the top educational institutions across the country.

Today we want to congratulate Claire Mukuru and Gibrille Bangura for both being offered boarding school places for September 2021!

Claire and Gibrille have earned scholarships to board at schools with a wealth of opportunities and facilities.

Claire has received a place at Lancing College in Sussex.

Claire has received a place at Lancing College in Sussex.

Gibrille has earnt himself a place at Windlesham House Prep School.

Gibrille has earnt himself a place at Windlesham House Prep School.

 Well done to both of them, as well as all of our other scholars this year. We cannot wait to see what they will achieve as they enter the next step of their lives!